
Sacred Time of the Day -Digital Detox

Start with one minute a day for the sacred time for a digital detox. disconnect from this digital world and connect back to ourselves

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My happiness tool – Sacred time of the day for a digital detox. The Irony – digital detoxification is the latest trend on all the digital platforms. Sacred time of the day is my way of catching up with the trend.

Effect of Chasing Happiness and Success Everyday

It’s wonderful to see you here. When I started this journey I was alone and clueless. With every reader, I am glad to catch this new movement happening around me.

Chasing happiness has made us all a peculiar case of OCD and FOMO.
If you are searching what both above abbreviations mean or even their symptoms It a sign to worry.

Some Side Effects on Brain of this digital hullabaloo

  1. Urge to be correct
  2. Always looking for appreciation
  3. Always finding answers on Google or Pinterest
  4. Zero-interest in being social in person
  5. The brain is constantly working 24/7
  6. Always Bored

If you are just shunning this idea and swiping the screen to check out something ‘interesting‘ on your iPad, phone or tv it is definitely a sign to stop and TAKE A SACRED BREAK!


Can you spend a few minutes free of screens and gadgets?
Can you spend a few minutes free of screens and gadgets?

Deep digital print and dependency

I call it Sacred not to make it look serious but to make it more crucial than just a hobby or timepass.

Keep aside all the gadgets, switch of the screens, get away from the world-class 5G super speed electronics and find a minute to take your sacred break for a digital detox.

Do you know how deep this digital print goes? We can’t meditate without music on our phone, we can’t cook without youtube, we cannot buy without mobile apps. Moreover now with social distancing and work from the home culture, the sacred time or sacred break now becomes of utmost importance.

Digital detoxification with a Sacred Break

Some activities to consider during this break time are bird watching, a retreat, playing harmonium and tabla, painting, sketching or mandala drawing, gardening, journaling, playing board games, or card games with family. Even better if you just do Yog Nidra.

Start with one minute a day. This is key. Start with one minute a day for the sacred break for a digital detox. Once it becomes a habit only then you should try to increase the time. Otherwise, it will be forced and lost before we can spell happy.

Do something to connect with nature or slowdown and hear sounds from the surroundings, watch the skies and clouds, or you might even skip, hop or just do a burpee, read a page from any book, let go of things burdening you

Keep this sacred minute break as a few minutes to disconnect from this digital world and connect back to ourselves, use it for learning, introspection, journaling, doing a hobby, watching birds, ANYTHING BUT checking those tiny green notifications, alerts, or popups on your screen.

Switch off all the distractions and just BREATHE because these few minutes of connection to yourself and your surroundings are sacred. Sacred because no one in this world has a right to steal away your precious time.

Can you take a sacred minute break quickly? I will say Force yourself the first time, if you have to, and take this sacred break NOW.

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Event – Sacred Time of the Day – Digital detox hour

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By Urvashi

A workaholic turned mummaholic. In search of a sacred space and power to spread happiness and positivity. Write to me at

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