Real Stories

Priyanka’s Story: Overcoming Depression with love and medicine

Priyanka knew something was wrong with her. Her anxiety and depression were not letting her sleep or stay awake.

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Real Stories

Story of Food Nation and Manju Jain

Chefs toque with recorder in a marwari saree Today, I bring to you a story of a mother, wife, daughter in law, an entrepreneur, very shy but super passionate chef, owner of the virtual community of 17000+ food bloggers and lovers on Facebook called Food Nation ~ Heart of Recipes and finally a YouTuber – […]

Real Stories

A Millennial Mom with an Unconventional Passion to being one of India’s Best Crafter and Designer

Real stories are relatable, they leave us with a personal impression of a lifetime, they teach us life lessons and inspire us. On my blog I share about such stories which are influencing because they have a huge impact on us, they make us the kind of a person we are, how we react to […]

Real Stories

Speaking From My Heart For #TheWomanThatIAm

Sometimes we plan to the T and what happens is completely different. Embracing the time and events here is an insight into me. Who is the woman that I am? The woman that I am holds her relations, friends and family very close to heart but time and again I feel betrayed and challenged by […]

Real Stories

The story of Indian Women in Dubai Community Online and Offline up

Read the story of how Indian women in Dubai came into being.