
X-Dreams taboo: Day 24 of #blogchatterA2Z #myweddingdreamsbyurvashi

Wedding is about two people tying the knot, promising to be in love forever, fulfilling each other’s needs, respecting and caring for each other.

Above is what everyone says and worships but hardly practice all of it. But there is a dream we all see and know but never talk about publicly.

Those are the X-dreams. You are right, for the sake of the title, I am calling them so.

The dreams of being able to touch, feel, love, hug and kiss the person you have loved for so long and so much.

The dreams of sleeping next to the love of your life and make a pillow out of them.

The dreams of butterflies in the stomach when you are together.

The dreams of the warmth of your love for each other.

The dreams of touching those lips which you have always seen just talking.

The dreams of crushing those hands until they scream.

The dreams of sisters and brothers knocking the doors just to disturb you both for the hundredth time.

The dreams of roses in the entire room. (Indian decoration of bedroom for the first night)

The dreams of seeing the love of my life as my property.

The dreams of breathless kissing and making out.

The dreams of biting and kicking the hell out.

The dreams of wearing a short red dress just for one person.

The dreams of having a warm bubble bath together.

The dreams of friends and cousins teasing about the first time.

The dreams of publicly owning the other person

The X dreams, the dreams of the first night, the Suhag Raat dreams.

Well, all these dreams were mostly left as dreams on our first night as we were both tired and sleepless. The one thing that we definitely did not plan or think about was of me crying inconsolably for missing my family.

I wanted it to be so beautiful and special night but I was only tensed and missing my family as my dad was going for an operation the next day.

Anyways we had our moments soon on our honeymoon. And they were just as special as I had dreamt.

A lot of feelings and emotions are involved on the first night. There is shyness, hesitation, anger, love, sadness, joy, and of course pure lust. Experiencing them along with the love of my life made the X dreams sweeter than I have put here.

Think positive and be happy!

Two more dreams and dreamy stories to come in this series. Enjoy the read and do share your comments

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By Urvashi

A workaholic turned mummaholic. In search of a sacred space and power to spread happiness and positivity. Write to me at

5 replies on “X-Dreams taboo: Day 24 of #blogchatterA2Z #myweddingdreamsbyurvashi”

May God bless both of you and may all your wishes come true. Beautifully weaved into words the emotions and feelings of the romantic beginning with your partner.

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