
Gratitude + Reflection post #blogchatterA2Z #myweddingdreamsbyurvashi

I completed #blogchatter successfully!(Easy to say but one month was a roller coaster ride ) This is officially my first good news of 2019. This challenge has helped me unearth the potential in me. I found a community which supported and encouraged me everyday. My Blog theme helped me journal every important thought and memory […]


Zappier and Zazzier days with Zzzleepless nights: Day 26 of #blogchatterA2Z

End of wedding stories and sleepless nights The Wedding stories are full of sleepless nights. The over use of zzz is to tell you how much zzz did I miss. Basically no Sleep at all. Have you ever attended a marriage where you see everyone clad in their best suits and sarees with tip-top makeup […]


Yes, I do : Day 25 #blogchatterA2Z #myweddingdreamsbyurvashi

In Bollywood Every love story has a friend, a lover, a sister, a father, a mother and a villain. Our love story had all of these. We were never meant to be together. We were from different colleges, we had different likes, we got placed in different IT companies, we were from different cities, he […]


X-Dreams taboo: Day 24 of #blogchatterA2Z #myweddingdreamsbyurvashi

Wedding is about two people tying the knot, promising to be in love forever, fulfilling each other’s needs, respecting and caring for each other. Above is what everyone says and worships but hardly practice all of it. But there is a dream we all see and know but never talk about publicly. Those are the […]


Wingman and Wingwoman : Day 23 of #blogchattera2z #myweddingdreamsbyurvashi

I am definitely not talking about the one friend who hooks you up with the cute looking person on the counter for a lifetime.My royal wedding dream would not have been fulfilled without these wingmen and wing women. 1. My younger sister – She was the major support throughout the wedding she was the mannequin […]