
I love you forever Dreams Day 9 of #blogchatterA2Z challenge

I love you forever dream
Love marriage or arranged marriage -Here is the love forever dream.
I love you forever in my eyes with the smile you have me when I proposed
I love you forever in my ears for the silly songs you sang for me
I love you forever in my heart for the kindness you shower on me
I love you forever in my stomach for the half cooked burnt food you made me eat
I love you forever in my feet for the walk we walked together
I love you forever in my hand for the grasp that held me tight in the rain
I love you in my arms for the hug that makes me feel at home
I love you forever in the mind which just thinks about you day and night
I love you forever in my voice for the confidence you give me when you stand with me
I love you forever in my sweat for the insane amount of workout and running you make me do for my health
I love you forever for the care you show for me
I love you forever for the love you show for me
I love you !

This poem clearly states the dreams of love I had then and the dreams I have now! This dream is constant and everyday it just strengthens the bond of love between us.

Hope you enjoyed the read ! What is love for you?

Why do you say I love you forever?

Share in comments your I love you forever story or moment.

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By Urvashi

A workaholic turned mummaholic. In search of a sacred space and power to spread happiness and positivity. Write to me at

15 replies on “I love you forever Dreams Day 9 of #blogchatterA2Z challenge”

Loved reading your versions of love and your photographs. Love for me is growing old together with all the beautiful memories we create, for all the ups and downs we face. Love is to express and I am a die heart, romantic person.

This is sooo beautiful and full of love….❀❀❀ I love reading ur blog di.. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– All the post reminds me of my wedding and functionsβ€¦πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

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