
How To Use prompts for Daily Gratitude Journaling

Gratitude journaling makes you happier and strengthens the positive attitude in you. Expressing gratitude is the best way to start your day. here is a list of 25+ prompts for you

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Gratitude prompts are an easy way to start your gratitude journaling habit today.

Gratitude makes you happier and strengthens the positive attitude in you. Expressing gratitude is the best way to start your day. If you have a habit of writing dairy or recording video or audio messages then use these gratitude prompts.

Why Is Gratitude Journaling So Important?

Gratitude Journaling

The gratitude journaling process is delving deep into your mind, heart, and soul to identify what makes us happy. Gratitude and happiness go hand in hand. Every happiness is worth celebrating with gratitude. And we feel grateful for all the happiness we have.

With gratitude journaling, you can identify things, moments, actions, possessions, people, happenings that make you happy. Gratitude journaling is key to unraveling the mysteries of true happiness for yourself. Gratitude journaling can be like a letter, listicle, explanation, or just a simple entry in your journal. It should help you find the real reasons for your happiness and should motivate you to keep repeating those things that make you feel grateful and happy.

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Gratitude journaling with prompts

Prompts are easy triggers for you to start expressing yourself. Prompts can push us to keep thinking until we find a correct answer. With prompts, it is like a nested query to our supercomputer brain. Who, What, Why, When, Where, How can often help us journal all the details of everything around a particular incident in time, a defined space where we were, a reason why we felt to how we feel. You can feel the power of gratitude journaling when you can understand the inner workings of your thoughts with it.

There are various types of gratitude journaling prompts that you can use.

Read my article on 5 benefits of Gratitude, why to make it a habit in 2021, and an advanced lesson on How to practice Intentional gratitude here.

You can share your feeling and emotions for a person, object, moment without feeling judged or completed to write something. Be authentic and share your thoughts. You can also use this to let go of people who have caused your worry and stress in past and let those memories go away. Gratitude is powerful when used in numerous ways of your choice. Be grateful for everything in your life and pour your heart out to let it go. You will be finding yourself stronger than you actually know you are.

Gratitude Journaling Prompts To Make Lists

We all know counting our blessings is the first step to learning Gratitude! Here are some common ways to start gratitude journaling

  1. Write 3 new things you are grateful for every day. You will have 90 things you were grateful for at the end of one month. This is the best way to learn gratitude journaling. things like what makes you smile, the best experience of the day, date nights can all be added to this list.
  2. Write 100 things you are grateful for from last year. This is a perfect trick to think of the past year and be happy about every moment we have lived in the past year. Start with your photo gallery and you can find a lot of moments
  3. Write 30 most important things that happened in your life and express thanks for them. Since the year you were born, you can write significant things from each year that you cherished, and remember all the time
  4. Write 50 things that brought a smile to your face in the last 3 months. This is the silliest things list. I call it so because you can write all the jokes, pranks, memes, oneliners anything that made you smile or go rolling on the floor. Keep this list on your fridge, worktable, dressing and smile every time you walk past it.
  5. List 30 names of people who you are grateful to have in your life. A list of people who have left you with strong memories from childhood till today.
  6. Write all the places you have visited in your life which makes you happy and has a story about it. Start with your favourite grandparent’s house and continue to the college bunking days. you will find many places where you found happiness

Gratitude Journaling Prompts To Write A Dairy

  1. Be grateful for all the miracles around you – Your life as a human is a miracle. Every moment in our experience is one of a kind – Flowers blooming, Glowing bugs, Laughing babies, Loving animals, Wind Breezing, Waves Rising. So, You can write about everything from the could to the rain. Expressing feelings of happiness and gratitude for these miracles can make our lives a memorable experience.
  2. Be grateful for happy moments reminding you to enjoy life right now – Start writing I am grateful for this moment – Because it is a reminder to live in the present and enjoy my life right now Write in details to identify things you liked the most and remember to repeat them another day. Gratitude journaling is like poetry where you keep finding new meanings every day in the same verses
  3. Be grateful for moments when you lost hope and were devastated but you survived to see another day. Be grateful for moments that have caused you so much pain that you wanted to give up but you did not. Instead, you fought back. Expressing those dark moments when you survived the fight within. Each moment you wanted to go in hiding but you came back and are breathing to live another day with a newer version of you. You must have learned some difficult lessons, strange secrets, tough life lessons, some new skills in these times.

Gratitude Journaling Prompts To Celebrate Your Actions

  1. Be grateful for what you read. Because what you read – creates your thoughts – your thoughts become your words you speak – your words become your reality – you create your present – this moment is manifestations of what you read
  2. Be grateful for a funny thing that happened today, or a funny thing you did. Funny things have a way to stay with us longer. Gratitude prompt for today – I am grateful for (a funny thing you own, a funny thing you did, funny things that made you laugh) because being grateful should never be boring
  3. Be grateful for the courage you showed today. Complete this prompt: I am thankful for the courage I showed today to come out of my comfort zone. So you keep expanding on what situation you overcame, who gave you struggle, who showed you support, what came to your mind. Keep writing everything in your journal to accept the action you have taken. Ex- I like putting my achievements of waking up early, showing courage to run, skipping the ice cream
  4. Be grateful for the forgiveness you have received or be grateful for the courage to forgive someone and let go – Forgiving and be forgiven are impossible feats which if achieved are worth celebrating. Sometimes Be kind and forgive yourself, Look forward, Love yourself. If there are times where you have show forgiveness or have felt it be grateful for it. How do you feel now write about it? Share your emotions and dig deep.

Gratitude Journaling Prompts for Yourself

  1. Be grateful for the time. Start your gratitude journal writing about how grateful you are for the time you have. You can write about the time on introspection, relaxing, the time you spend to with yourself. We often complain of no time and when we have it we don’t know what to do. How about starting with being grateful
  2. Be grateful for your smile. Smiling is exercise. It’s good for your happiness index. Write ‘I am thankful for these moments and can smile for taking them‘. Whatever makes you smile is worth remembering and sharing in your notes
  3. Be grateful for an opportunity today. We always have an opportunity at our doorsteps being grateful for an opportunity to learn, to do something we have wanted for a long time, or just being able to write a journal. Every journal provides us an opportunity to understand our thoughts, feeling, and emotions during a day. As we are able to let go and journal everything with a feeling of happiness we find ourselves in a clear and vivid state

Check out here my blog for more ways to express gratitude and learn The Three Gratitude Bubbles technique

Gratitude Journaling Prompts For Community Compassion

  1. Be grateful for your community, city, state, country, and the world that you are part of – Gratitude for all the hard work that goes behind making a country stronger and happy to be a part of this country. Therefore, You can write about how grateful you are for the amazing hard work our front line workers have put in in the past year
  2. Be grateful for other’s happiness and prosperity. Celebrating others’ happiness is not easy. You need a big heart to celebrate your success with others. The important thing is you need a bigger heart and soul to celebrate other’s success. Being grateful for other’s happiness and success will attract the same in multifold

Gratitude Journaling Prompts For You

  1. Be grateful for your every breath and life. Start Writing I am grateful today for I breathe and live. Think about those who have moved on to heavenly abode. Think of those who need the additional support of medicine or machine to breathe. The gratitude comes flowing with the realization of how fortunate you are to have a heart beating
  2. Be grateful for everything you own. Write about your favourite things. List what is your most prized possession and why they are dear to you. Sometimes we value material things the most because of the emotional attachment to it. This prompt will also help you identify what emotional attachments you have for all the material things
  3. Be grateful for your mind, body, and soul. Gratitude for our perfections and imperfections is acceptance and acknowledgement of reality. Be grateful for what you have today. The infinite universe works for you to give you good mental, physical and emotional health. Every thought that comes in our mind creates our reality and the reaction to our reality
  4. Be grateful for your achievements. Every certificate you have, every scar you got, every inch and gram you lost, every medal you own and every story that has a mention of you is your achievements and growth, be grateful for it and share it with full pride. So, Share your story.

Gratitude Journaling Prompts For Your Possessions

  1. Be grateful for this one person in your life. The people in your lives are the gifts you have earned through many years. Start writing Gratitude Prompt of the day why you are grateful for this one person in your life. because she makes you smile, he fills your heart with warmth and joy, keeps your super busy all day, drives your crazy, keeps you, HUMAN.
  2. Be grateful for a meal on your plate. Food makes you happy. Happy you make good food. Circle of life is the life cycle of gratitude. Start writing for the gratitude prompt for today – I am grateful for a meal on my plate because it is tasty, fills my tummy, makes me happy, inspires me to be happier and thankful. Your body is a vehicle. Life has manifested itself through this vehicle. And to live your life to its fullest potential it’s vital that this vehicle is kept in its best condition through proper nourishment.
  3. Be grateful for a family. It is gratitude that we are still able to breathe and live for this day. It is about being thankful for the love and care from our loved ones, It about being with the family under one roof and spending time together, It is about lighting a Diya or lamp for all those dear and near souls who left us, It is about extending support and spreading cheer to family and friends who have lost their people

Mental Health, Happiness and Gratitude

When we feel grateful we are happy. When we are happy we are more receptive and open for the world around us. And there is no denying that Mental health awareness is the most important thing in today’s era. Gratitude is being aware of things that control our happiness.

Making Happiness my aim this year I dedicate this post for a noble cause.  This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter.

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By Urvashi

A workaholic turned mummaholic. In search of a sacred space and power to spread happiness and positivity. Write to me at

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