
Everything about Pregnancy Journal

everything about pregnancy journal

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What is a Pregnancy Journal? What is it all about?

Being HAPPY, SMILING and being CHEERFUL are SWAG and the COOLEST thing one can do during pregnancy.

Everything about Pregnancy Journal
Everything about Pregnancy Journal

If you are looking for a definition it is a collection of written notes, pictures, stories, memories even lists, doodles and important dates that you put together during those pregnancy months.

In the recent years it has become a trend with to be parents and their families. Pregnancy Journal is a fun must have for all pregnant couples. It is a way to cherish memories. The previous generations enjoyed more than one pregnancy so it didn’t seem like documenting was important since they knew they would be reliving and experiencing the happiness and joy soon(nor did they had time after cooking for 7 member family, going to work, washing, cleaning etc.).

But with the nuclear family culture and increasing expenditures it seems more convenient and justified to have one baby. You might like Grow With Damuru

This is where pregnancy journal comes in handy for new age parents. I feel parents with two or more kids should also be doing this. Every kid and pregnancy is different so why not have more than one baby and pregnancy journal.

Why is a pregnancy journal needed? Why should we waste time in making a pregnancy journal?

In this era when everything is captured on Blogs, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest with the best HD camera and filters it is still important to journal every pregnancy. All those I mentioned above are just mediums to cherish wonderful moments and share them with your family and friends. While Pregnancy journal is an album of our emotions and feelings of those pregnancy days. It is a constant reminder of our strengths, resilience, consistency, hard work and achievement to bring a life to this world. It is our happiness in that journal. With time we will forget how those months and days went by. Moreover it is human to forget. Before we forget all the love and pain let’s put it down in the pregnancy journal.

How can a pregnancy journal make us happy?

Our achievements and success makes us happy. Every journey is full of thrill especially when it is a pregnancy journey it is no less than a Bollywood thriller. A pregnancy journal is full of love and passion for that little baby inside us. It fills us with energy and gives us strength to be happy and positive for that tiny heart beating inside us.

Every time we update the journal it reminds of the big achievements till now and gives the required motivation for the upcoming months. It reminds us to be happy for those small achievements; it makes us happy and spreads our happy vibes around us so that we can manifest the happiness we are looking for.

What type of pregnancy journal should we make? (Choose your medium wisely)

  1. Online Blog/Vlog/Microblog – A perfect place for putting your thoughts to words and share pictures too. For a creative mind there is no end to possibilities. This is one of the reasons why many of the couples start blogging. Choose a theme and create your blog. If in your heart you want to do it then do it don’t look back. If you are someone who loves talking then create a Channel on social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram or your own page. When you put your pregnancy journal online you share your happiness with world. Expect a lot of couples to get back to you for help and suggestions sometimes.
  2. Diary or Notebook – If you are an introvert and don’t share much publicly then a dairy or a notebook journal with those beautiful blank pages waiting for you to spill the beans is a wonderful idea. Use blue, black or colorful pens make the best use of it.
  3. Handmade or Retail scrapbook – If you are someone who loves to celebrate even the smallest of baby moments then this is the best. Make a scrapbook using pattern paper, accessories, and stickers or buy it online. Add millions of words and your feelings to it. Many a times you can just start making the journal in a file and expand it in any which way you like. I myself had a handmade scrapbook pregnancy journal. (link shared in the end)
  4. Album or Photo journal – If you love photography then this is golden period. Pictures every day, every week, every month, for each trimester. On top of it so many creative themes to follow – blackboard milestones, baby size in tummy, bump every day, maternity shoot. It’s like a dream to have a photo journal. Some of us love watching picture prints and albums but others would love to share on social media platform. some of the platforms are Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook

Checkout my Pinterest board – here

What should we include in pregnancy journal?

I chose to click picture every week, updated my pregnancy journal for every trimester, and added photos from my scans for special milestones. So I enjoyed it as it wasn’t a burden instead it became fun activity.

Things to ensure is do what you like the most, do what is easy to update, ask family and friends to help you update.

Somethings to definitely include in the pregnancy journal

  1. Special ACTIVITIES you did: Pregnancy Yoga, Watching Movies, trip for babymoon
  2. SYMPTOMS: it could be a gross feeling list but just a reminder that we have come far from all this and have the power to conquer
  3. CHANGES: Add a list of physical changes for trimester, add a list of mood swings you see regularly
  4. MILESTONES: add all milestones- 3 months, 7 months, first kick, labour pain. This list goes one.
  5. FAVORITE FOODS: what were your favorite foods who knows you might see your baby also likes them in future
  6. TO DOS: put a list of to dos for your maternity leave, to do for postpartum recovery
  7. FEARS: share your fears, how you spent days worried
  8. SCANS: when you see your baby scan sometime they are jumping, sleeping, sucking their thumb, their heart beat can be seen, choose your moment and add them.
  9. TRIPS: write about trips that you take while you are pregnant they make it a fun experience.
  10. BABY ACTIVITIES: those giant kicks, funny swimming, or just hiccups
  11. PHOTOGRAPHS : Self shots with stats – weight, week, size of baby; Picture with husband and family ; maternity shoot; face shots and bump shots
  12. Feelings: INCLUDE your partner and familiy, give them space to write /share their FEELINGS too.

My 5 tips to make your pregnancy journal fun

  1. Keep it Colorful – Use your favorite colors, bright colors (blue, yellow, orange, green), warm colors (orange, yellow, red), calm colors(blue, green, pink, cream, purple). Colors can set the mood right and will encourage you to do it regularly. You wouldn’t want to update a journal if it looks dull and boring.
  2. Secret notes – Add a lot of notes like notes to self, love notes to baby, happy notes to husband, secret notes for baby to read at certain age, your feelings for baby. Keep secret pockets in your journey, secret envelopes it will make you happy and thrilled.
  3. Games– make your Journal Fun and you will always be there to update it on time. We included bet (baby looks like, gender, weight, dates, hair like, fair like), poking the baby and its reaction. It was like share bazaar everyone in the house would bet and it made so many things easy for me when things did not go the way we wanted it would be like someone else was winning the bet and immediately the mood would lighten and family would give full support to each other
  4. Baby activities – This is the best thing to include and narrate in the journal. How the baby wakes up in the morning, when it kicks, how it reacts when it is scared. It is fun to even mention how your tummy wiggles and feels like the baby is gonna tear and come out.
  5. Keep it simple update regularly- The most important thing is to include schedule for updating the journal. If you miss it once you will do it again.

So keep the schedule easy, updates simple and journal accessible.

Keep a schedule you can follow all the time- choose what suits you daily, monthly, trimester wise, scan wise, doctors appointment, milestones.

Do simple updates of feelings, facts, numbers, and stories one at a time

Keep your journal visible and at reach so you can look at it anytime, read it whenever you want and update it timely and regularly.

One Bonus Tip –

Nick Name your baby as soon as you can. It makes all the baby talking, documenting, bonding with the baby so much easy and fun. It is reassuring for baby too. Above all a nick name is just like ownership of the baby. It Gives so much happiness to us and always brings a smile on our face. We named our baby TUMTUM.

Watch video My Pregnancy Journal + 5 Tips to make it fun on YouTube

Read about Pregnancy Board and how you an start your day with happiness

Pregnancy Journal is a fun must have for all pregnant couples. Save this post or share with the expecting couple. My heartfelt gratitude and thanks for reading through this long post. Your suggestions are welcome. Please comment below so I know what you liked about it.

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Disclaimer: Please note all the information shared is based on my pregnancy experience and stories shared through generations. The data published on this page is solely for your information and you are requested to use it at your discretion. Before you start any routine, recipe, practice based on this blog please take a go ahead from your Doctor based on your case. We do not take any responsibilities or assure any form of medical procedure, remedies or tests.

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By Urvashi

A workaholic turned mummaholic. In search of a sacred space and power to spread happiness and positivity. Write to me at

77 replies on “Everything about Pregnancy Journal”

I actually relived my pregnancy in my imagination through your blog. The pointers are so helpful. I point I would definitely want to include will be the ADVICES (wanted/unwanted) that came my away.

How cute !! I wish I could have come across something like this during my pregnancy… To relive all again.. but hopefully if in future we plan for another one…I am sure make one pregnancy journal for us

This is actually brings me back to my pregnancy days , I wish would have included these Nick name idea 😀😀 very well written. Very useful new Mom

Thanks for reading. I want to know What worked for you to get away from the sick feeling?

I too loved and enjoyed every bit of my both pregnancies, by the God grace I didn’t face any health issue or restlessness during those days may be this was the prime reason of my funfilled pregnancy. Thanks for sharing blissful tips of maintaining pregnancy journal. Loved it!

After reading your series of posts I realized I did had a pregnancy journal which I documented for medical reasons. But flipping pages of that handwritten diary do bring many memories that I cherish for long.
Well crafted series Urvashi.

This is so so cool, didn’t know any such thing exists. I don’t have any journal but yes, I documented my pregnancy journey month-wise along with a few poems written during that time in a diary, will be a keepsake for my kids 🙂

You are lucky you had a happy pregnancy. All of us are not lucky 🙂 I was puking the whole nine months. This is more for u millennial moms. I am a grandmother now. #wordsmithkaurreads #MyFriendAlexa #BlogChatter

How did you handle the puking. May be some good tips that I can collect and put out for readers

Great Post…reminds me of my time when I had bought a journal and planned to jot down every detail but it was just left midway. But, surely if possible to be mums should scribble the little things for future sweet reminders.

It’s common to loose interest and stop journalling. Dats why tips are included so you will do it with full interest

Maintaining a journal is in but I didn’t do it. I keep writing blogs or mails and hat should suffice in creating memories. Moreover few incidences w&ich remain etched in my memory, will best be narrated in person. 😊😊 awesome blog and creative tips.

I opted for an app for my pregnancy notes and I have written them in the form of letters addressed to my unborn child which I someday wish to publish and gift it to him. Thanks for sharing this. #MyFriendAlexa #CloudandSunshineReads

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