
Stick To Your Pregnancy Routine

One thing I keep telling my expecting couple friends –“Pregnancy Routine is SACRED”.

This post is part of Happy Pregnancy Series.

Pregnancy is the biggest happiness in the whole wide world. Being HAPPY, SMILING and being CHEERFUL are SWAG and the COOLEST thing one can do during pregnancy.

Read this blog or don’t read this blog but carry away this important message from my page here.

If you want to be happy, stress free, motivated, organized in your pregnancy every day then FOLLOW a ROUTINE and stick to it no matter what comes ahead.

If you have a movie plan carry that fruit dabba if you have to eat it at that time. Not even the cinema security has rights to throw or remove food from a pregnant lady’s bag. But of course be polite we are going to movie for fun and entertainment.

Take a break every hour for water, walk and loo, Find those 10 minutes. Every manager supports healthy and smart associates. Your consistency, resilience and dedication for self-care is a strength which they are looking for as a characteristic to contribute in work.

Nobody in the universe has a right to disturb your pregnancy routine not even you. It’s like the dialogue “Once I commit then even I cannot change it

How is Pregnancy Routine going to make us happy? Why is following a Pregnancy routine so important?

  1. Baby follows the Pregnancy Routine with you– It is not just about you anymore. You are going to be a family or more than just the two. This little person inside you will have a lot of shock during birthing. He or she may need all the love and care after that to recover. A consistent pattern is reassuring for that little life. All these months when the routine is followed the little baby expects a very similar routine in the early days. So yes following this pregnancy routine is important for that baby to give him or her that safe zone and make them feel happy
  2. Following the Pregnancy Routine is an accomplishment – in general when we are following a routine we feel completely aware and confident in ourselves and our ability. In pregnancy (when you can be vomiting, feeling hungry, sleepy, moody, tired, lazy) being able to achieve tasks on time is a very big accomplishment for everyone and not just the expecting mom. With every accomplishment there is a joy and pleasure associated. So ticking of that check box to mark third glass of water is bringing lots of happiness with it. Because a successful tick or these small wins release dopamine making you confident and happier.
  3. Pregnancy Routine ensures the right care – Everything needs care along with that little baby inside you. Eating good food on time, eating the right foods, drinking water on time, drinking enough water, following the skin care routine for stretch marks, working out or doing yoga or going for the evening walk, going for that scan, taking medicines, visiting doctors, this list is endless. Pregnancy routine is the only way this gigantic task of achieving everything is possible. Doctors take care of everything related to scans, injections etc. but rest of this insane list falls on your tiny shoulders. It may be huge but all can be achieved. And with good care comes happiness from within.
  4. Pregnancy Routine keeps you sane at all the times – It can be overwhelming to think about it now but if you start doing it this is the best gift for your pregnancy to self and family. All it takes is just 5 minutes. Read the last portion of the blog if in a hurry to find out how. You feel comfortable and relaxed when you know everything important is done and verified against the checklist.
  5. Preparing our mind and body for happiness- adding tasks like watching movies, having ice cream, attending trimester classes to monthly routine made it an easy and smooth transition and movement in and around the places. Many a times nausea, restlessness is due to uncertainty. While preparation and awareness of what is going to happen next made me very comfortable and happy to nevale to experience it.

What Pregnancy Routines we should follow?

  1. Follow the routine checkup with your doctor religiously. It is the most important of all routines you are going to have. Add reminders, set up alarms, stick notes on your kitchen calendars if you have to. You cannot miss it!
  2. Have a routine in place for Food – Include medicine, fruits, dry fruits, meals, snack, juices, water everything in it. Anything that you want to ensure you eat and drink should be part of this routine
  3. Have a routine in place for your fitness – Include breathing, meditation, aerobics, stretches, yoga or dance whatever you want to do (physical activity to ensure movement other than just your daily going to office and coming back). Obviously check with doctor if you can do all this or even better ask for guidance what all physical activity can be done based on your trimester.
  4. Have a must follow routine for hair and skin care – Include the most important care for stretch marks, ageing, from day one of your pregnancy (the day you find out you are pregnant). This is the best time to nurture your wish for long hair. Do everything to take care of your body. Nourish it well and reap the benefits postpartum.

Do you need a sample of daily routine?

Here is a sample of my daily routine which I followed during my pregnancy every day. Funnily everybody in my apartment knew at what time, when and where I can be found. It’s good to be consistent. I was an open book for all. I was one happy soul. Use those precious moments and prepare your pregnancy routine today.

A simple fun task to make you happy! –

Can you give your 5 minutes for your little baby? – add a slot of 5 minutes just for your baby and caress the baby bump or your belly (don’t worry bump will soon be visible). Talk to your baby. Sing to your baby. Just touch your baby. This is the start of mindfulness in your relationship with your child. Spend those 5 minutes only with your little love. Do whatever you want, to share your love and thoughts to the little life inside you. No need to be vocal, your feeling are what matters the most! DO you think you can take this challenge? Can you do it? Will you be able to give those 5 minutes to your baby?


3 steps to prepare your routine on excel or just a notebook or a white board

1. List every hour of the day starting wake up time till you plan to go to sleep. Ex. 6 am, 7, 8…10 pm

2. Start by adding all the major tasks like – medicines at 10am , 3pm and 9 pm, exercise at 7 am, meals with times, water marks to check water quantity, etc

3. Use and follow it religiously

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Do you like what you read? Do you think you want to take care and be happier in this journey? Is there something you want me to write about? Do you have questions? Don’t feel shy go ahead and drop in your comments.

Let’s check out the super fun and very famous My Pregnancy Journal on YouTube –

I am taking my blog to next level with BlogChatter’s #MyFriendAlexa

Disclaimer: Please note all the information shared is based on my pregnancy experience and stories shared through generations. The data published on this page is solely for your information and you are requested to use it at your discretion. Please consult your doctor before you start any routine, recipe, practice based on this blog. We do not take any responsibilities or assure any form of medical procedure, remedies or tests.

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By Urvashi

A workaholic turned mummaholic. In search of a sacred space and power to spread happiness and positivity. Write to me at

31 replies on “Stick To Your Pregnancy Routine”

Every thing happens with support and love. Only thing we do alone is going away from this world. Family is the biggest supporter.

Very informative and helpful. I followed a routine during my pregnancy. The best part of the day was when I would go for a walk and talk to the baby and when we both would listen to music. Those days were beautiful and having a routine definitely helped.

A really helpful series for pregnant women. Totally agree, a routine always helps. During pregnancy, the hormones play havoc with your moods and energy levels. A routine in terms of eating, sleeping, recreation, exercise will truly help.

Absolutely, no one has the right to disturb your routine. Infact with so many changes both hormonal and physical coming your way, its better to stick to a schedule, especially when it comes to walking, eating a healthy meal and taking your medicines.

I totally agree that there needs to a pregnancy schedule that helps later too. My boh pregnancies were easy and I totally enjoyed the time. It was only after they are born they create havoc for the initial period.

Oh yes. You follow the routine with her. You keep a track and checklist everything is done during the day. Pregnancy is not single person job. Ita always together

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