
Gratitude + Reflection post #blogchatterA2Z #myweddingdreamsbyurvashi

I completed #blogchatter successfully!(Easy to say but one month was a roller coaster ride )
This is officially my first good news of 2019. This challenge has helped me unearth the potential in me. I found a community which supported and encouraged me everyday.
My Blog theme helped me journal every important thought and memory of my wedding. It helped me put a script ready for e-guide to the bride’s to be which is my personal goal. When around last few days of March I came across this word blogchatterA2Z I thought it would be a great distraction from the emotional turmoil I was going through. So in a hurry I went and registered myself. It was purely a task I had taken upon to make my head think positive and happy thoughts. My wedding was the last event that we as a family celebrated for the one last time.I started writing and with the first post itself I realized that I was lagging behind I didn’t have the titles or content planned and it was just going to be another failed attempt in my life.I was losing hope in myself but few people changed my perspective. Noor Anand chawla, Priyanka from virtual siyahi and Saba from saba scribbles were one of the firsts to like and say encouraging things to my post. I found some hope again in their comments and while reading their first blog post I felt the happiness. It was the first sunday of april when I started planning and putting together content seriously.Over the next few weeks I was not able to read many blogs and interact with all the bloggers but I spent my time in writing and reliving those beautiful memories from 5 years back.I have learnt

  • Planning is important. Planning is half job done
  • Creating a collage or poster for the post made it bright and appealing
  • Adding links to other related posts and relevant information kept the authenticity and credibility
  • Writing as if talking to someone helped me a lot putting the posts together
  • Consistent practise has improved my writing skills
  • There is no final post. You have to keep it up to date with more relevant information and content all the time.
  • Reading helps and motivates everyday
  • Some craziness is needs in life to meet the targets
Every night I would stay awake just to complete my post and put my linky and read the inspiring posts from Blogchatter, Noor, Priyanka and Saba. The theme and the challenge has brought a rush of emotions and adrenaline. I choose to keep this fire burning to fulfill my dad’s wish to write a book.
I consider this as my initiation to writing journey. I have an empathetic nature which makes me help everybody. I choose to help myself in helping people and solemnly pledge to bring positivity and happiness in lives.
My vision is to honestly work hard and innovate everyday. My vision is to see the beauty and miracle in nature. I wish to tap the energy from this universe and be the master manifester of happiness.
I am grateful for this opportunity and this wonderful community for the trust in me and persistent support in my initiation.
Remember to dream big because dreams come true.
With this thought I rest my post here.Come back tomorrow for a greater plan and bigger thought.
Think positive and be happy!
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By Urvashi

A workaholic turned mummaholic. In search of a sacred space and power to spread happiness and positivity. Write to me at