
Ghagra Ghagra – Tv pe breaking news haye re mera ghagra – Day 7 of #blogchatterA2Z challenge

“Weddings are all about love, care, family, relations and new bonds”.

What does a Bride say or what would I say ” *A wedding is all about the Ghagra or Lehenga, Jewellery and Food* “.

A red super duper heavy ghagra choli is a dream for every girl since the time she knows what it is. I am no different.Getting the perfect lehenga or ghagra was the first thing on my to-do list.

The ghagra I had always imagined was traditional red with the Rajasthani zari and gota work with golden shoes and polki jewellery.

The wedding ghagra is no copy paste affair. It is a demanding task and patience is tested with load and regression.

Read my stories of endless misery before you make up your mind for wedding shopping specially ghagra shopping.

I spent more than 3 months researching for the look and ghagra styles on Pinterest(wait for P in my upcoming blogs) for now you can check out some of my boards from Pinterest.

I visited the wedding shopping heaven Kolkata and Jaipur 3 times to try on the ghagra pieces before taking the final call. Please note each of these cities had its speciality, Jaipur had lovely gota work while Kolkata designers are amazing.

The fitting for ghagra choli made me rush from Kolkata to Jaipur, Bhilwara to Kolkata. You may say that a good designer or tailor or masterji could just make it easy and helped to avoid travelling. But it’s the wedding ghagra so I did not take any chances.

Remember to get the best with the budget in hand.

What all to decide for the ghagra

  • Latest trend
  • Colour
  • Style
  • Detailing
  • Matching dupatta, choli or blouse, dori
  • Jewellery
  • Footwear
  • The weight of the ghagra
  • Matching accessories like bindi, tika, hair clips and bangles
  • Makeup
  • Mehndi and its colour
  • Coordination with grooms outfit

Buying the ghagra was easier. Getting ready for the wedding was tough and keeping it on with the most beautiful smile was a killer.

Dreaming is easy. The tough part is execution. But remember fashion was never easy.

Every ghagra is a statement piece. It’s a showstopper for the bride.

For me, all the pain, hard work, travelling and fitting sessions were worth it. The moment I saw myself in the mirror I fell in love again. I was so proud of the choice. (Won’t take credits it was my sister and mom who chose the ghagra).

Check out some pictures of the infamous ghagra choli from my wedding functions Varmala and Sangeet.

It is not a designer piece but it is a perfect royal ghagra of my dreams.

Think positive and be happy!

Get ready for some girlie dreams tomorrow.

So a far in this series-








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By Urvashi

A workaholic turned mummaholic. In search of a sacred space and power to spread happiness and positivity. Write to me at

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