
Arrang-ed Marriage (Arranging the love marriage) #blogchatterA2Z

Arranged Marriage (Arranging the love marriage)

Well, here is it, the first wedding dream I saw. I knew the moment when I fell in love that this was the person I want to spend my life with. But I was clueless how I was going to arrange this love marriage.

The realization of love is a very tingly feeling. You feel butterflies in your stomach when you even think of that person. But, every romantic movie has an emotional drama attached to it.


Most parents can never accept that their children want to spend life with a stranger. Be it someone our own parents who choose our partners or we choose. Be prepared there is going to be resistance. It’s good if this resistance be sooner than later. My Dad was cool with the idea of me getting married to a guy I love. Though he would have gone crazy if I had agreed to marry one of the proposals sitting in our drawing room. But, we faced major emotional blackmail, life decisions argument, reminder of moral duties and some over the counter bollywood movie emotional blackmail from my mom.

It took us 3 years to just get mommy to talk about both of us love birds to marry each other. There were days she would show me much wealthier families and handsome eligible guys profile for marriage. She would show me jewellery and gifts to lure me to select anybody, any random guy from the proposals.


love story
Love story


Time played it’s part. Slowly mommy agreed to at least give the love of my life a chance to show his biodata (the traditional style). She met him a few times. She even said to me few days before our wedding” it’s not a compulsion you know love is very different in real life marriage. You still have time. I can still talk to that guy settled in Japan”. I know mom’s are crazy but this was bouncer. She did agree for our marriage when my Dad said all we ever want is our daughter to be happy. If this guy is her happiness then let’s trust her. We are always here for her. Give them a chance. And she did give a chance after 2 years. She spoke and met with him and his family. She went shopping with him you know. I think it was the shopping that melted her heart but in quite a few months she had accepted him as a good friend. And finally one day she said herself let’s do the ‘Roka’. But she is one heart full of persistence. She tried till our wedding day to make me choose someone else, someone she and dad had known.

Present day

We are married for 5 years now, the story is quite different now. She takes his side for everything. I feel sometimes I am an outsider. I love how once again, Time has played it’s part in arranging the love marriage to make it arranged marriage. Wedding definitely is not end of it. It’s just the beginning. It takes time for acceptance and I am deeply grateful how my husband and family has accepted one another for me.

 wedding picture
All set for the wedding

Please tune in tomorrow for the detailed B for Bachelorette stories.

Stay tuned to my wedding dream blog more fun is yet to come.

Share your stories of arranged marriage in comments. I would love to hear about it.



Think positive and be happy !

#blogchatterAtoZ #myweddingdreamsbyurvashi #weddingdreams #weddingstories #lovemarriage #arrangedmarriage

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By Urvashi

A workaholic turned mummaholic. In search of a sacred space and power to spread happiness and positivity. Write to me at