
Gratitude for September: Thankful for a blessed month

My happiness is mainly derived from the ever-growing feeling of gratitude I express in my life every day. The three gratitude bubble technique has made me addictive to gratitude. With the end of September, I am here to express my feelings of gratefulness to all my fellow bloggers who have supported me to complete the blog hop #LetsBlogwithPri. This was my first collaboration with this group and I feel exhilarated sharing that this will be my last post in the hop completing it successfully.

Gratitude For September
Gratitude For September

Gratitude for a variety of collaboration

I feel so blessed that with this blog I was able to collaborate with different genre bloggers. I am a happiness blogger and in this blog hop, I got the opportunity to read food blogs, parenting blogs, lifestyle blogs and fashion blogs every week. Some of the insights from these blogs have helped me redecorate my work table, inspired me to take care of my health, organize the blog plan better too. The different opinions and perspective from these bloggers have dawned ideas to me leading to create better content for my readers.

Gratitude for quality blogging

I am grateful that the rules of the hop were easy to follow and not restrictive of timelines to the second either. I got enough time to focus, research and write every week. The reading rule in the blog hop was quite relaxed too. All this helped me create an optimized blog post. The quick tips from my fellow bloggers on various technical aspects helped me improve my reach and content. The learnings from this blog hop are not only on how I can be a better blogger but overall gratitude for this life has increased manifolds.

Be grateful everyday
Be grateful every day

Gratitude for unhindered support

I am going to be forever grateful to this blogging community because they guided me and we supported each other knowing we all competed. Keeping the true spirit and purpose of blogging made this journey smooth and extremely favourable for me. The 24/7 access to each one via the WhatsApp group made it like a constant helpline for any clarification. Without this kind of dedication and support from our fellow bloggers, it would have been a herculean task almost impossible to complete. The idea to help each other grow was quite the mood of this group throughout. The enthusiasm and encouragement were always to perform the best.

Gratitude comes from love and respect
Gratitude comes from love and respect

Gratitude for growing together

I would be selfish if I don’t share this with you all. this gratitude is to show how we all can grow together by supporting each other. The fight and race to reach the top is anyways done quite wonderfully by animals. The urge to succeed is always there in all of us but keeping the purpose at a higher pedestal we all raise ourselves to be a better version and eventually we grow and succeed together. This blog chain will enter into the third month of this season and would create more awareness of our blogs. I wish all my fellow bloggers to have higher page views and million ideas for content creations. Here is a link to some posts from this week’s blog hop. Three super products from our kitchen to be used as a hair conditioner by Avin on Five serious life lessons we all can learn from our kids by Hansa on and my favorite is this piece from Cindy about the 12 unsaid rules for women in Indian Society on

What is a blog hop?

Last topic for those who don’t know what a blog hop or blog train. It’s an event organized by a blogging platform, a blogger, or a group of bloggers where various other bloggers actively participate. Usually, there are prizes for beat entries. Some rules like to follow and subscribe to the organizer’s blogs. Active participation is compulsory like visiting other participant’s blogs, commenting, and sharing information on social media as decided in rules. Do follow our super blog hop organizer Prisha blog on keto bounty bar this week

Hosted By: Prisha Lalwani IG: @mummasauruss FB: /mummasaurus1

This post is written in collaboration with my blogger friends for an exciting month of the blog hop by Prisha #LBWP #LetsBlogWithPriS2 . Please read all posts and find some amazing content from all the wonderful writers.

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By Urvashi

A workaholic turned mummaholic. In search of a sacred space and power to spread happiness and positivity. Write to me at

5 replies on “Gratitude for September: Thankful for a blessed month”

Thats a beautifully written post. I am indeed happy and grateful to all of you that this blogging chain has been successful. You have rightly mentioned it actually gives happiness to help each other and grow better.

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