
Blogchatter Book Review: Decoding The Feronia Files

This review was written as part of the Blogchatter Book Review Program

Book title – Decoding The Feronia Files

Author – Tanushree Podder and Ajoy Podder

Genre – Cli-fi Thriller

Publisher – Readomania

Short Summary – A series of sudden natural disasters and climate changes around the world along with numerous weather forecast failures in India and a suspicious death in IMF have led India and the countries of the World to research weather modification and spy on others. In this process countries find about the biggest weather modification research program HAARP in Alaska, which was shut down and possibly some of its scientists had gone underground still doing tests illegally. This leads them to alert their covert operation teams like CIA, R&AW, ASIS, ISI to identify who are these scientists, where or who could be supporting these scientists and what damage and the intensity of damage can it cause the country and its enemies.
As the story progresses agencies uncover many mysteries and secrets of HAARP scientists research all leading to the secret coven of scientists. Read the book .

My Take – I loved the idea of cli-fi thriller. Given the current climate situation full of tsunamis, earthquakes, storms, late monsoon, rains in desert etc the book comes in at the perfect time to build up the story. The characters from different countries and organisations are very nicely described and presented. I was able to visualise all the events and everything was nicely researched and put together. I loved how the issue is globally highlited by bringing stories from Alaska, US, Australia, Afghanistan to name few.

The story is build up so well that one cannot miss a word in the book. Each event and action is nicely narrated and loose ends of the story all link up at the end. I might even read a Part Two or Aftermath of Decoding the Feronia Files if authors decide to write it.

I think the book was a quick read and it paced well in beginning. In the last few chapters there is great deal of events happening which I would say would even qualify for the part two.

Recommendation – Definitely READ it ! It’s a gripping cli-fi thriller and it lives up to its name. It even leaves you with a cringe to find more about climate change, weather modification and how it has become a warfare.

Final Rating – 5/5

Book available on Amazon. It’s worth the buy. Thumbs up to it and the Authors. Wonderful work by them.

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By Urvashi

A workaholic turned mummaholic. In search of a sacred space and power to spread happiness and positivity. Write to me at