
#blogchatterebook Book review – EASY HOME COOKING

This review was written as part of the Blogchatter Book Review Program

Cook and Bake with Ease, From my kitchen to yours: A collection of curated recipes.

Author – Ginia Basu,Ginia Basu is a food enthusiast who loves to experiment in the kitchen. She is a geologist by profession. She loves to
cook and bake for her loved ones. This is her first book consisting of a collection of curated recipes all of which have been tried and tasted at home. She contributes her recipes in a blog called

Genre – Travel and Food

Publisher – Blogchatter

Short summary – This is a e-cookbook or a recipe book which is divided into two segments.
1. Cookies, Cakes and Bread
2. Savouries.

My Take On This Book – I love how Ginia has put together each and every recipe. She has added many tips and tricks with each recipe. I and my mom loved reading how all the steps are described to the detail. The recipes and steps are so easy to follow and to prepare that anyone can read and do it. It is wonderful to read how With every recipe Ginia has added her personal story to it. One thing which definitely in next relase can be added is more pictures. The honest confessions and secret tricks to perfecting the baking and cooking are something to look forward to. The best of all recipes is blueberry white chocolate muffin. The detail and effort that she has put in to document the recipes, the tips and the stories is commendable.

Final Rating – 4/5

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By Urvashi

A workaholic turned mummaholic. In search of a sacred space and power to spread happiness and positivity. Write to me at