
Out of the Seashell : Day 15 of #blogchatterA2Z challenge

When I wrote the title of the blog today I literally meant it. let me tell you how?

As you would have known by now Wedding is a big deal for my family. Each function has to be the best that we can arrange.

So when it was time to plan it had to be the most enchanting moment. It had to be different from all the events happening in that wedding season. My family and the event managers were coming up with the dreamiest ideas.

Here are some of the out of the box ideas they had been churning for the Bride and Groom entries and Varmala-

  1. Rotating stage with rose petal showers: The bride and groom would climb stairs and reach a rotating stage where the Varmala would take place. This was very popular during those times so it definitely was discussed but due to commonness, we had to leave it. Let me tell you the rose shower smells so sweet. I definitely wanted it.
  2. Rajputi Entrance with live fire acts: The bride and groom would climb down the royal staircase of Amber villas with a troop of fire dance performers. It definitely was a beautiful sight. Since it went quite well with the Sangeet outfits we choose to use this for the sangeet.
  3. Smoky walk down the aisle: The event manager suggested to make a pathway for our entrance and would fill it with smoke only slowly at our entry the smoke would reduce and I would look as if we emerge out of nowhere. It sounded quite beautiful and magical but would be shortlived. So once again it was parked aside.
  4. Flying entry on the Moon: This was the perfect dream entrance I could ever imagine. Here both of us would be sitting on a moon prop and after taking a round in the air and waving to everyone we would land on stage. sadly I was overweight and it was not safe with all the weight from the ghagra. I really wish someday I can do this.
  5. Entry in Doli for the bride and Car for the groom: It did sound simple so the event manager himself said not to go further on this style but nowadays it is catching up and becoming the latest trend.
  6. Out of the Seashell: A small hydraulic stage was set up inside a Seashell. When the seashell opens the stage will take up the bride and groom for the Varmala. As soon as this was described my uncle said: “This is it, we have to do this”. We actually did it with rose petal shower and fireworks in the sky. I remember one of my cousins telling me it looked like a beautiful dream. Nobody knew it was going to happen. The element of surprise was key for this. Seashell looked like a decoration piece so it was a surprise when it opened. Seeing us inside it was like the WOW moment of the wedding.

I did enjoy the celebrity status in my wedding and these beautiful creative ideas made it out of the world experience for everyone.

Do plan your wedding with surprises for everyone and fill it with wow moments. It makes it a memorable one.

Think positive and be happy!

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By Urvashi

A workaholic turned mummaholic. In search of a sacred space and power to spread happiness and positivity. Write to me at

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