Do any one thing today to live a happy life
My Dad always said “Kaka be cheerful”. Find time in your busy lives to be happy. Try and do any one thing from the list.

1. Say THANK YOU to the universe !
2. Say I LOVE YOU to your partner or kids
3. WRITE A LETTER to an old friend and tell them how much you care about him or her
4. EAT AND SHARE your favorite food with your family
5. DRINK FRESH JUICE or milk or just tea outside in your balcony with nature
6. GO FOR AN OUTING or just a walk with friends in the evening or night
7. GET READY in your favorite dress and makeup for a date night with your partner
8. Do YOGA OR MEDITATION or just spend some time with yourself
9. Pamper and buy for YOURSELF something you have always wanted
10. Most importantly SMILE and believe in yourself and the fact that Life Is Beautiful!
11. Spend A Minute to take care of your self.
12. Meet someone who INSPIRES you
13. Use every opportunity to GIVE BACK to the society