
Book review – Goodnight Moon

Must include a book in night routine

Every kid has a night routine. Some listen to stories while some read books or watch stories on the iPad and some watch stars do the magic at night.

Ours is a simple routine read Goodnight Moon, the classic bedtime story for generations so far.

Cover page of Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown

Choose the right book and book type

This book we have is a paperback style by Margaret Wise Brown and pictures by Clement Hurd (let bygones be bygones. Buying a paperback was a huge mistake. Now I always recommend a board book for kids till they start school).

We love reading this book everyday because it gives us a good start to add our own good night’s to our room, toys, family members, nature, imagination, etc.

This book can be read to kids every day and it is a great activator for night routine.

Getting ready for sleep with sleep suit and book goodnight moon


Why read Goodnight Moon to kids

This book has helped us to learn new vocabulary for things in the house and around us. It also is great with its high contrast colors to make it easier for kids, parents, uncles, aunts and grandparents to read and follow. I love the fact that each page has hardly one or two sentences with a max of 10 words on any page. It has made reading convenient and gives us opportunity to start sleep conversation with our kids.

The idea behind this book itself is making sleep less daunting for both kids and parents .  Sleep consultant Hannah love says “using the same book can be a good idea as children love repetition. Repetition indicates it is routine sleep time and will help children to anticipate sleep approaching”

This book review was also published by me on my Instagram page . Please feel free to share your favorite bed time read with your children.


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By Urvashi

A workaholic turned mummaholic. In search of a sacred space and power to spread happiness and positivity. Write to me at

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