
Homeschooling a toddler in 2020

Homeschooling my toddler is my dream. I think it is right time to explore what is good for our children in this lockdown.

Homeschooling Toddler
Homeschooling Toddler

What is homeschooling?

Homeschooling is studying or learning at home. Parents can decide to withdraw their child from traditional schools and teach them at home. It usually happens if the school is unable to offer learning as per child. It can be for brilliant kids who want to excel in a particular area like geography, arithmetic, agriculture etc. Homeschooling can be done when school is not fully equipped for special need children.

There can be many reasons. The parent can feel that child needs more attention while schools have many children in one class. Or the latest reason we all have a Pandemic situation which restricts free movement outside of home. So homeschooling is a safe alternative. Homeschooling children have less stress and reduced burden of home assignments.

The idea of homeschooling is studying from the luxury of home mostly with parents but also allowing one on one teaching with subject matter experts or teachers. Teaching kids has by far been the most satisfying part of my life. When I became a parent I was fascinated and wanted to set up a whole school for my son.

I had many misconceptions like I always thought homeschooling was only for Europeans, Brits and Americans. I once thought it was only for preschoolers till they join lower kg. Also I used to think it was only for working parents who couldn’t afford day care so they had to teach and care for kids till they could send them to community schools. Funnily these are not true! Homeschooling can be done by anyone. You can of any caste, creed or religion for their children.

Home school is fun
Homeschool is fun

Homeschooling children in India illegal

Around the world I see it is legal to Homeschool children. In India there is no law that I found supporting the Homeschooling structure. Additionally, the RTE act leaves no clarity if homeschooling hours will be considered and children will be get their due certification based on the learning. I was boggled my self at the uncertainty and zero clarity for homeschooling in India. Read here for detail on homeschooling in India is right or wrong. I found it difficult to find a curriculum in India that was made to support Homeschooling. CBSE, ICSE, IB and there is also provision for giving board exams for home schooled kids but they need to be enrolled in private schools. The more I read I am loosing myself because the information is not easily available.

So parents in India who wish to get education certificates for their children you have to enroll your children at some private school. You may want to try home school in the after hours. It may be added baggage for children. If we can get quality learning it can be fruitful and fun

I really wish with Covid hitting the world in all walks of life even our education system takes a clue and brings some changes. Making education or food free is not a point here. The need of our schools is quality learning, qualified teachers, lower teacher to student ratio, focus on developing skills, giving agriculture a full subject credit, focus on overall health of a child and a lot more.

Homeschooling a toddler in 2020

I know homeschooling our children is a herculean task. And it may take up my whole life. Giving time and attention is the most important thing in homeschool. As a parent taking care of the child will now also be added with the responsibility of learning. I personally support learning while playing. But as an educator ensuring our child learns needs more than just patience. I personally don’t think I can do it but I am going to give it a try. I (pinky) swear with full heart and soul till I am able to finalize a school for my son.

Follow a homeschool curriculum or syllabus

A lot of curriculum and age appropriate topic are available online. I am creating a list of things my son should know in the next 6 months. This is easy for my 2.9yr old. I also have to ensure he has to practice his social skills along with study. I am thinking it’s kind of a good time with the ending of pitta paksha (a time in Hindu religion where we donate food offerings to all hoping our ancestors are served with food in heaven)and everything changing from seasons to mahurat. Read here about maa Durga by Sanandita.

Choose a method for homeschooling

I want to make learning fun, so, activities and crafts style of teaching is my choice. I may take help of Montessori ideas of teaching.

Homeschool plan, timetable, test for children

Everything needs a plan. Having a routine can be really helpful. With Covid all our routines are going hay way. As of now morning times are mostly play, clean and eat. we will have to set up some routine for study with play. Since My son is interested in reading during evenings I can also do some study during the same time.

Testing what my child has learned is another challenge I will face. I am going to try to make some worksheets to do it or just oral questionnaire for him every day about what he learnt.

Supplies and materials for homeschooling

Homeschooling children gives freedom from books and rote learning. As of now I need drawing sheets, crayons, color pens and toys. Keeping my focus on craft supplies and toys. I will be using all the independent play stuff too- sand, water, jelly beans, play-dough, slime, grains etc

Home school in 2020
Home school in 2020

Six months home school plan for my toddler

Here are the topics I wish cover

  1. Language – English Alphabets, phonemes, sounds. Hindi akshar, Sanskrit shloka
  2. Math – Counting, matching, sorting, shapes, sizes, skip counting, addition and subtraction
  3. Science and stuff – Animals, Planets, sink or float, life cycle of insects, my body , vehicles, days, country
  4. Gardening – Watering, potting , removing old leaves
  5. Gymnastics and Yoga – He loves trampoline and funny yoga poses. a good teacher may help him learn the right way to do it. Who knows I might learn something with him
  6. Dancing and Music- He loves dancing and has a knack for beats. We will have to give him this opportunity to explore his interests in different instruments.
  7. Social – Able to greet, give his introduction, ask about people, know about community helpers, receive and place call on phone, make new friends
  8. Manners – Thank you, sorry, please, sharing
  9. Pretend play- Kitchen cooking, fire fighting, explorer, cleaner, teacher
  10. Play- Blocks, puzzles, colors, cars, hand paint, open ended play, sensory play

It does sound a lot of hard work but I feel its definitely worth a try. What are your suggestions please share below. This is my journey as a mom. And I intend to learn everyday with my little child. Who knows we might cook up something really interesting from the Ayurveda Shastra too. Check out this review from Sindhu about one such product.

Hosted By :
Prisha Lalwani
IG: @mummasauruss
FB: /mummasaurus1

This Post is written in collaboration with my blogger friends for an exciting month of blog hop by Prisha #LBWP #LetsBlogWithPriS2 . Please read all posts and find some amazing content from all the wonderful writers.

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By Urvashi

A workaholic turned mummaholic. In search of a sacred space and power to spread happiness and positivity. Write to me at

4 replies on “Homeschooling a toddler in 2020”

Hey we are also homeschooling my toddler but not with any particular curriculum. We just took some parts of Montessori and some from playschool and combined it to teach him what he needs to know by the time he reaches the 1st grade.

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