
Book review – 150 brilliant ideas to keep young minds fit & fine

Book Title – 150 brilliant ideas to keep young minds fit & fine

Book Genre – Self Improvement

Book Author – Neera Maini Srivastava

Book SummaryThis book is written for both teenagers and their parents. Book had very simple and easy to understand writing. The author divided this book into three categories. In first part, there are 50 advices, topics or ideas that are must do related to body or physical wellness, in second part, there are 50 advices, practical approach related to mind or mental wellness and in third part, there are 50 advices related to spirit or soul awareness or can call values for life.

My take of the book – I found it to be a very light read. It shouldn’t be completed all at once. Rather it should be read a page or two per day. The ideas and points are deep and hence need lot of introspection from The reader when reading this kind of book. Author has presented 150 ideas in this book, But there are some very similar ideas. I found the book to be very open and touching every aspect of life. It talks about eating fresh home cooked food and the same time doing exercise. It’s third section is most interesting as it talks about ideas of faith, letting go, manifestation, self love and love for elders. Most readers would say we know everything but this brief note from Neeraa serves as a good reminder. Part 2 and 3 are most required at this point of time for us and our next generation.

I would have loved to read more than just brief notes on each idea. But I am sure that is something Neeraa can bring in the next editions.

Final Rating – 5/5

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By Urvashi

A workaholic turned mummaholic. In search of a sacred space and power to spread happiness and positivity. Write to me at

7 replies on “Book review – 150 brilliant ideas to keep young minds fit & fine”

nice review. will read this book for sure.who does not need mental and physical wellness in this day and age.i tried to leave a comment on another of your post and could not.

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